Sunday 11:00 AM
Wednesday 7:30 PM
Upcoming Events
Mar 26Balanced Living7:30 pm |
Mar 28Youth Friday Fun Night6:30 pm |
We believe that the most exciting, challenging and life-changing place in the world is the church! Surprised?
Many think of the church as boring, lifeless or irrelevant to daily life. Some hear the word “church” and think
of beautiful cathedrals, cozy chapels, steeples and pews. Church isn’t supposed to be boring. In fact at
Connection Pointe, you will find our services to be relevant, honest and in touch with today’s culture.
We are a church that believes in creating environments where you can experience God and grow in your faith.
We also believe in cultivating strong community; where you can live life, learn and grow together in meaningful
relationships with others.
This site has been designed to get you better acquainted with our church. As you scroll through our site you will
see there are many facets of ministry to discover. It is our heartfelt desire to help connect God, family, church
and community. If you you’re looking for a place to call home, we would love to help you get connected!
Mar 26Balanced Living7:30 pm |
Mar 28Youth Friday Fun Night6:30 pm |